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Accessibility Center
The Accessibility Center is an umbrella for many services available at Camden County College including the Accessibility Center, Program for Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Garden State Pathways.
The Accessibility Center provides academic support to students who have documented disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines disability as any physical, or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities such as: caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning or working.
The Accessibility Center promotes access to and excellence in the educational opportunities for students with disabilities at Camden County College. The Accessibility Center strives to create an environment that recognizes differences and builds self-advocacy and independence. Students who may be eligible for services must self-identify to the Accessibility Center.
Upcoming Events
Let’s Team Up Breakfast for High School Child Study Teams
March 7 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 amPick Your Passion Virtual Workshop
March 18 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pmGarden State Pathways Student/Parent Information Session
April 29 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pmLeading the Way to College Experience with a Multi-Layered Support System Virtual Workshop
May 21 @ 6:00 pmGet ahead of your fellow graduates from the Class of 2025!
June 25 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Services Provided
Academic Advisement/Coaching-students are encouraged to meet with the Accessibility Center Staff to discuss appropriate academic course work for both degree/certificate requirements.
Academic Accommodations may include peer note-takers, recording lectures, readers and or scribes, alternative textbooks, extended time for assessments, distraction-reduced testing environment.
To Register with The Accessibility Center
- Schedule an appointment by calling 856-227-7200, ext. 4430
- Complete the Student Registration Intake Form
- Bring in the required current and comprehensive documentation
For any questions or concerns please contact
Taryn Burkholder, Director
Taft Hall, Office 103 Blackwood Campus
(856) 227-7200 ext. 4430
Contact The Accessibility Center
Additional Information
The student is given time and a half to complete their exam. If the class is given an hour (60 minutes) to take an exam, the approved student will have time (60 minutes) and a half (30 minutes) as their testing time period (90 minutes).
The student is approved to record the professor’s lectures, regardless of the policy in the classroom on lecture recording. Students may use their own cell phone or recording device.
The student is allowed to utilize a laptop or tablet to take notes in class, regardless of the policy on technology in class.
The student must speak with their instructors prior to any exams on their testing preference. If the student would like to take the test in the Testing Center (Second Floor of the Library) or in the Disability Room (Second Floor of the Library), the instructor, testing center and/or the Accessibility Center must be given one week notice to prepare. If the student prefers the Library, please contact the Testing Center to complete the necessary paperwork and leave the test with the Testing Center Staff with instructions. If the student prefers to use the DS Room, the student & instructor must contact Taryn Burkholder at tburkholder@shushijia.net one week in advance.
The Accessibility Center will have a staff member or a proctor read verbatim the exam question to the student. They will not assist the student in any way to answer the question, but only read the question to them.
The Accessibility Center will have a staff member or a proctor write down verbatim what the student with the disability says.
Transfer students need copies of the paperwork submitted to the Accessibility Center of the transferring institution to include; any disability documentation submitted to the school, accommodation letter, and a copy of your unofficial transcript.
Someone with a disability who was never classified needs documentation that meets the criteria detailed in the documentation request.
For any appointments, please call (856) 227-7200 ext. 4430 or you can email accessibilityservice@shushijia.net